Hopp til hovedinnholdet

The Coordinating Centre (office) receives and processes inquiries and requests regarding studies as well as handles the recruiting of investigators and experts, in accordance with the operational concept of “one-stop-shop”. Furthermore, the office is responsible for internal and external marketing of the network. The office is located at Haukeland University Hospital in Bergen.

External parties interested in performing clinical trials in children in Norway are welcome to contact the Coordinating office of NorPedMed, preferably by e-mail or SMS.

The Executive Secretary (coordinator) is responsible for the daily operations of NorPedMed.

The Director is responsible for the scientific and operational work of NorPedMed and chairs the Local Working Group.

The Local Working Group is nominated by the home-institution of NorPedMed which is Haukeland University Hospital. The responsibilities include managing, financing, executing and coordinating of the day-to-day operations of NorPedMed.

The National Working Group is responsible for strategic development and decision-making. The members are representatives of the universities and the university hospitals in Norway, selected disease specific research units and organizations, the Norwegian Pediatric Society as well as the Director and the Executive Secretary of the network.

Contact us

The coordinating office of NorPedMed is located at the Pediatric Department at Haukeland University Hopspital.
You are welcome to contact us at any time, preferably by e-mail or SMS.

NorPedMed coordination office:

Director and consultant pediatrican:

Thomas Halvorsen, telephone +47 92464843 and e-mail: thomas.halvorsen@helse-bergen.no


Sigrun M. Hjelle, telephone +47 97197520 and e-mail: sighje@helse-bergen.no

Publisert: 16. jan. 2023 — Oppdatert: 17. jan. 2023